Known by Nature: Thomas Aquinas on Knowledge of God
Crossroad/Herder, 2010 |
New Voices in Catholic Theology
Anna Bonta Moreland and Joseph Curran eds. Crossroad/Herder, 2012
Muhammad Reconsidered:
A Christian Perspective on Islamic Prophecy
University of Notre Dame Press, 2020
A Christian Perspective on Islamic Prophecy
University of Notre Dame Press, 2020
Published Articles
- "The Qur'an and the Doctrine of Private Revelation: A Theological Proposal" Theological Studies 76:3, September, 2015
- “Analogical Reasoning and Christian Prophecy: the Case of Muhammad” Modern Theology, special issue, “Interreligious Reading in the Aftermath of Vatican II,” October, 2013
- Nature: Ancient and Modern R.J. Snell and Stephen McGuire, eds. “Response to Stephen Fields, S.J. ‘Louis Dupre’s Model of Modernity’” Lexington Books, forthcoming
- Journal of Law and Religion Roundtable on Nicholas Wolterstorff’s The Mighty and the Almighty October, 2015
- Villanova Law Review, Scarpa Symposium Issue, 57.5 Sixth Annual Scarpa Conference on Law, Politics and Culture, “A response to Rev. Martin Rhonheimer”
- Svensk Teologisk Kvartalskrift 2013, Årgång 89 “Comments on Per Erik Persson’s Sacra Doctrina: Reason and Revelation in Aquinas”
- C21 Resources: The Catholic Intellectual Tradition, “Teaching the Catholic Intellectual Tradition” Spring 2013